Complaints, suggestions and feedback

We welcome your input

Suggestions and feedback are an opportunity for you to tell us what we’re doing well or what we could do better. A complaint lets us know if you are unhappy with our service and you would like us to find a solution. Either way, we’d love to hear from you.


Suggestions and feedback

Providing suggestions or feedback is easy. Simply email us at and let us know your thoughts. We’ll share your email with the appropriate people in our business and take the necessary action. 



Our complaints procedures are designed to provide a simple process for resolving any complaints you may have about the service you have received. As we are licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act of 2008, there’s a formal way in which we can address your complaint.

You can make a complaint to the Real Estate Agents Authority. Their contact details are:

The Real Estate Agents Authority
PO Box 25371, Panama Street, Wellington 6146
0800 367 7322 or 04 471 8930

Alternatively, you can contact us directly. Here’s how it works:


Tell us what your complaint is and what you would like done about it by either calling or writing to us: General Counsel, Kiwi Property Group Limited, PO Box 2071, Auckland 1140, Telephone: 09 359 4000, Email:


If you call us, we may ask you to put your complaint in writing. If we do so, please allow 10 working days for us to respond. We will need to talk to the person or people involved with the issue to respond properly to you.


We may ask you to meet with us and the person or people involved to discuss the issue and, if possible, agree a solution. If we are unable to come to an agreed solution at the meeting, or if you do not wish to meet us, then we will provide you in writing with our proposed solution.


Consider our proposed solution and tell us in writing whether or not it is acceptable to you. Please advise us of your decision in writing within 10 working days of receipt of our proposal.


Implement the agreed solution or, if no agreement is reached, arrange mediation if both parties agree to attend mediation. If both parties do not agree to attend then that will be the end of our process.


If both parties agree, attend mediation. Implement the agreed solution or, if no agreement is reached, then that will be the end of our process.